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Monday, February 13, 2017

Back into winter!

I just spent a long week-end in Brussels enjoying Belgium specialties (Belgium beer and chocolates - I left 'moules e frites' this time!).

Yes, I love Belgium beers even as a native Bavarian! Not so much the ultra-strong Trappist's beers but there are many excellent lighter beers. Have you ever had a Leffe Blonde! Lekker! Still strong but very tasty. Rightly, the Belgium beer has been recently added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (see: here).

I also love Belgium chocolates (who not?). The French/Belgium 'Chocolatiers' really master it to an art. It happened that the 'Salon du Chocolate', a sort of a chocolate fair, took place during this week-end which I took advantage of, not only in tasting this & that but also equipping me for St Valentine's Day. Exquisite pralines are always welcome by my 'beloved'.

The downside of Belgium (and the Benelux states) is the weather pattern. Bad tongues even claim that the really bad thing with the weather in the Benelux is that in some years summer falls on a Monday. Well, I must admit that while living in Belgium we also experienced long and warm summer seasons and also the spring in general is nice and pleasant. However, there is definitively a difference in temperature. Although weather was't very pleasant in Italy recently with lots of rain and thunderstorms, but 10 degrees less is something you definitely feel! It even was snowing. Once in a while it is not a bad idea to re-calibrate your perception in particular if you are spoiled with pleasant weather most of the year.  All is relative, isn't it. Luckily, we are equipped with a fire place at our home which provides a warm and cozy atmosphere.