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Friday, April 15, 2022

Prep and Shakedown Cruise Video now available on YouTube

I am currently traveling back to Bavaria for the Easter holidays and the birthdays of my daughters. The video summarizing the highlights of the last 6 weeks preparing T-Fish for longer cruises and the shakedown cruise to Corsica is now available on YouTube.

Shakedown Cruise April 2022

I plan to return beginning of May to cut the lines and sail westwards. 

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Welcome back by a Heli

 A helicopter from the fire brigades welcomed us when entering the port of Castelsardo. They collected sea water within the port as the waves outside were too big. Soon after mooring T-Fish the heli stopped its operation as apparently they successfully distinguished the fire.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Weathering a strong Mistral in Bonifacio

With my friend arriving from Germany we went for a shakedown cruise via Isola Rossa, Sardinia to Pianotolli, Corsica and further on to Bonifacio, Corsica where we celebrated his 60's birthday. Now we are weathering a very strong Mistral with more than 40kn of wind guts in the port. Well, there are worse places being captured for a couple of days by a low pressure systems. We are enjoying the scenic with delicious food and wine.... 

Friday, April 1, 2022

Visit from Bavaria....

My wife visited me for a couple of days and although the weather was still chilly, we enjoyed a bit sightseeing Sardegna. With a rental car we went to Stintino, the Pelosa beach, Sassari, Isola Rossa and Santa Teresa Gallura.

At this time of the year there is only life in bigger towns like Sassari, Castelsardo or Santa Teresa Gallura. Holiday villages like Isola Rossa are still ghost villages. Only occasionally you see people preparing for the new season repairing damages caused by the winter storms. But even here you will be able to find an open bar or restaurant, which offers excellent food or coffee. Being one of the few guests, special treatment is guaranteed. A good reason to do off-season sightseeing which uncovers the particular charme of these places which you will not be able to discover during the overcrowded summer months.