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Saturday, March 26, 2022

There is still fish in the Med....

 Although I always claim that there is no more fish in the Med, it is more related to my fishing skills as local fishermen prove.

In fact not only local fishermen but also a sailing friend in Alghero who recently caught this Tuna. 

Preparation works on T-Fish are almost finished. Only the installation of an new AIS transponder is missing. A friend of mine who will visit me beginning of April for a shakedown cruise to Corsica will bring along the new device. Besides this I am enjoying first spring days (in fact currently it is cooler here than in Germany).

Friday, March 18, 2022

This was getting really High Times......

..... to change the impeller. See yourself.

In general, I check the Impeller once per year but must have forgotten it for some time. Luckily the remaining 4 teeth (not sure if this is the correct English term) provided sufficient cooling water. The engine never got hotter than the usual operating temperature.

I promise to be more diligent and check the impeller more frequently in the future. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

What a coincidence!

 By coincidence meeting some good old friends and ex-colleagues in Castelsardo. What a small World! At the same time running into t

wo nice chaps enjoying Sardinia for some motor biking and - of course - the excellent food. We have a lot of fun. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

T-Fish back in the water

After a successful week painting, polishing, and renewing/repairing (e. g prop and bow thruster anodes, new sealing on the rudder shaft, etc) T-Fish went back into the water today. There are still some minor projects for the next weeks before she will be in prestine conditions for longer cruises.