There are always thousands and one thing to be done at the start of a new sailing Season. I just finished the big jobs and keep smaller jobs when returning from Madeira. Of course pleasant weather helps but there was some time pressure as my wife arrives beginning of April in Madeira. Just this morning I installed one additional solar panel, the last job on the list before I spend some days hiking with my wife in Madeira over the Easter holidays. Now I enjoy a sunny (about 25 degree C) day on the beach in Porto Santo and will sail to Funchal tomorrow.
By the way - you may have noticed that a different link when hitting 'Current Position' is opening now. It is now opening the ham radio position reporting map. As I have installed ham radio on T-Fish, I can email and send position reports via HF Radio even when out of the cellular network. Cool! Isn't it? (p.s. I changed it back to the AIS mirrowing system used by VesselFinder and similar apps as the APRS Sytem was not updating my position although it was sent and the receipt confirmed).