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Sunday, May 27, 2018

Singapore & Bintan Island Video - finally ready to share

Here the video of our vacation over the Easter holidays in Singapore and on Bintan Island. It is mainly meant for family members and close friends and is not related to sailing on T-Fish.

In fact it is the result of my first larger video project which I used to become acquantaint with a professional video editing software (I am amazed about the functionality which basically leave anything open for your creativity although sometimes it requires to dive deep into hidden software tools). Certainly not perfect but I am happy with the result.

There was about 80GB of footage to work with which is also a challenge. The video (about 20 min) took about 4 hours to render in HD / 60fps on my machine ( Intel Core i5-6300 CPU @ 2,4 GHz, 8GB RAM) which is OK but considering that I had to render 7x in total as there is always something which you only detect when looking at the final result, it indeed is a long process. This puts sailing vlogs such as La Vagabonde or SV Delos, who continuously produce videos from their sailing adventures around the world, in a different perspective. It seems they are also hard working and not only having fun......

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