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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Arrivederci Roma!

There are always mixed feelings leaving a place which served as your 'home-base' for a while. Leaving friends and a surrounding which you are well acquainted with is not always easy.

This time it is - finally I am getting re-united with my family and can occasionally enjoy sailing T-Fish in Sardinia/Corsica, one of the most attractive sailing grounds in the Med. Last but not least, I will be back in some 2-3 years allowing me to enjoy Rome and Italian lifestyle and to recover from the 'cold North'. No reasons to 'sing the blues' - not at all!

Farewell party on T-Fish with friends
My friend Marco helping to exchange the light bulb of the deck light 

The last days in Rome spun away with last boat preparation, provisioning, and farewell parties. A good friend also invited me to his house in the Castelli region with a awesome view down to Rome, allowing me to escape the heat in the port and enjoying his pool and BBQ while waiting for the strongest part of the Mistral to pass through.

Watching the arrival of the Mistral from the Castelli regions - view down to Rome and Ostia

We finally decided to leave port in the evening of Tuesday, 25th July. When cast off and motoring along the pier all friends in the port blew their horns as a last farewell.

Just before the port exit, a port authority warned us to leave because of the still existing large swell (about 2 m) which was breaking at the port entrance. Watching the incoming waves for about 30 min, it seemed that there is only every 2-3 min a larger breaking wave rolling in. This should give us sufficient time to exist the port in between.

Thus we waited for a big one and gave it a try. And of course and following Murphy's law, another 'big one' rolled in and starting to break right when we were at the exit. I went full throttle and took the wave at a right angle. T-Fish jumped through the breaking wave and landed with a big splash.

Off we were....

Arrivederci Roma, ci vediamo!

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